Saturday, February 16, 2008
Getting To Grips With A Healthy Lifestyle
By Trish
In a perfect world we would all be eating the right food, exercising, sleeping well and just generally enjoying life.
In the real world most of us manage a percentage of the healthy lifestyle and muddle through as best we can with the rest of it. Part of the problem is we are encouraged to think, mostly by the media, that we should be doing everything possible towards a healthy lifestyle, all of the time. For most of us this is just not possible.
Constant concern about what we should or shouldn't be doing causes our stress levels to go up and that negates any good work that we've done. Yes, we should certainly try for a healthy lifestyle, but the two key words are "moderation" and "balance" By applying these criteria to achieving a healthy lifestyle we won't be beating ourselves up for failing another diet or dropping out of the latest exercise regime.
A common mistake that many people make when they decide to adopt a healthy lifestyle is to try to do too much too soon. They then give themselves a guilt complex when it all falls apart. It is also easy to be influenced by others, when we should only be adopting a healthy lifestyle plan to suit ourselves.
Ah! Did I say lifestyle plan? Do you have one, or do you just try the next thing that is in your magazine or Sunday supplement? By all means read these articles and take them into account as you plan how you want your healthy lifestyle to take shape.
Leading a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you have got to run a mile before breakfast, eat seeds and think pure thoughts. Great if that's what you want, but for most of us "healthy" means being in reasonable shape, eating our fruit and vegetables and generally having a feeling of vitality.
Decide on your definition of a healthy lifestyle, and then plan a strategy that works for you.
As part of my health plan I decided I wanted to walk in the mornings before breakfast, but there was no way I wanted to get up at the crack of dawn to do it. So I planned a ten minute circuit that includes a short flight of steps and a not too steep incline. I power walked that route every day and felt really good. Sure l wouldn't make the City to Surf marathon, but I compromised and made it work for me.
Today, much is made of organic foods, but the reality is that organic food is generally more expensive and well out of the range for most budgets. Yes organic is probably the best option, but it doesn't mean that if you're not eating all organic you are not eating right. If you're concerned about general
produce, be a bit discerning when you shop. Look for fruit and vegetables that are fresh and unblemished. You should also buy product brands that you can trust. If you shop wisely, you can have a well-balanced healthy diet that won't break the bank.
Basically living a healthy life means looking at your lifestyle as a whole, it is not just about diet and exercise. It is not always necessary to make major changes. Most people know their weak spots, and are happy if they can make a few changes that show results.
A friend of mine was drinking several cans of soft drink a day. She was feeling tired and generally under the weather. When I read an article about the health risk of soft drink I copied it and gave it to her, whereupon she decided to give up the soft drink there and then. A week later she got back to me and said she couldn't believe the difference, her energy levels were up and she was feeling great. Just that one change was able to make a difference and she feels good about the healthy choice.
Sleep and leisure time play a big part in a healthy lifestyle, and for the most part people underestimate the value of good sleep. Our bodies aren't designed to operate at peak performance twenty four hours a day. Anyone in industry knows that machines that have to work continuously need a lot of maintenance. When we are sleeping our body is healing and regenerating itself and we should wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized.
We can go without sleep for extended periods, but we can't do it indefinitely. The amount of sleep an individual needs varies a great deal, and there is no such thing as the right time to sleep. Obviously most people sleep at night, but if you are one of those folk that comes alive in the small hours, you might need to catch up with your sleep during the day.
A big part of healthy living is being comfortable with yourself. Don't be pressured into trying to attain a certain look, or push yourself down a career path you are not suited to. Constant worry about what you are doing will only have the opposite effect on your health. Don't get paranoid about your diet, about what toothpaste you should use or about expensive exercise equipment you need to buy.
Allow a common sense approach to dictate when you are making lifestyle choices, and remember, there is nothing wrong with compromise if it means your healthy lifestyle plan will work for you.
Article Source:
Can Group Health Schemes Refuse Cover Because Of A Pre-existing Medical Condition?
By Donald
When considering group health insurance schemes there is usually confusion because, while a lot of people argue that group health insurance plans are not allowed to exclude you from cover because of your present health or your previous history, others contend that they are permitted to refuse cover for pre-existing medical conditions.
The reality is that you cannot be refused membership of a group health insurance plan solely as a result of you present health, including any disability that you may have, or as a result of your prior medical history.
However, employers and insurance companies are entitled to question you about any pre-existing medical conditions when you join a plan or, if you make a claim during your first year of cover, to look back to establish whether you have a prior history of the condition which gives rise to the claim.
Whenever a pre-existing condition is reported or discovered the employer or insurance company cannot simply refuse you cover under a group plan but is permitted to require an exclusion period for cover of that particular pre-existing condition. Having said this, there are federal and state laws that control the exclusions that employers and insurance companies are allowed to place on their group health schemes.
Group health insurance schemes are not allowed to apply pre-existing condition exclusions on the basis of pregnancy or genetic information. Further, exclusions are not permitted in the case of newborn babies, newly adopted children and children who are placed for adoption.
Generally speaking, pre-existing condition exclusions are only permitted for conditions that are diagnosed within the 6 months before joining a group health scheme and for which you have been given (or been recommended to have) treatment. This period is frequently known as the 'look back' period.
Where a pre-existing condition exclusion period is required it cannot usually be longer than 12 months and you have to be given credit for any previous continuous creditable coverage. In this case cover is classed as continuous when it is not interrupted by a break in excess of 63 consecutive days. The majority of private and government sponsored health coverage is considered to be creditable and this will include such things as Medicare, student health insurance, military health coverage, Medicaid, Indian health insurance, individual health insurance, foreign national coverage, VA coverage and more.
Where an employer requires a waiting period for individuals to enter a plan, or an HMO requires a similar affiliation period, these cannot be counted in determining a break in continuous coverage. Furthermore, any pre-existing condition exclusion period must take account of the waiting or affiliation period with the pre-existing condition exclusion period starting on the same day as the waiting or affiliation period.
If you are moving from one group plan to another then the administrator of the new scheme is permitted to examine your previous plan for the purpose of calculating any credit towards an exclusion period for your new plan. This may mean for example that if your new plan offers cover that was not provided under the previous plan then exclusion periods may be required for pre-existing conditions that were not formerly covered but that are covered under the new plan.
One more point worth noting is that you must be given appropriate written notice of any pre-existing condition exclusion period and the group plan administrator has to assist you in obtaining a certificate of creditable coverage for your old plan if you wish him to do so.
Article Source:
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Getting To Grips With A Healthy Lifestyle
By Trish
In a perfect world we would all be eating the right food, exercising, sleeping well and just generally enjoying life.
In the real world most of us manage a percentage of the healthy lifestyle and muddle through as best we can with the rest of it. Part of the problem is we are encouraged to think, mostly by the media, that we should be doing everything possible towards a healthy lifestyle, all of the time. For most of us this is just not possible.
Constant concern about what we should or shouldn't be doing causes our stress levels to go up and that negates any good work that we've done. Yes, we should certainly try for a healthy lifestyle, but the two key words are "moderation" and "balance" By applying these criteria to achieving a healthy lifestyle we won't be beating ourselves up for failing another diet or dropping out of the latest exercise regime.
A common mistake that many people make when they decide to adopt a healthy lifestyle is to try to do too much too soon. They then give themselves a guilt complex when it all falls apart. It is also easy to be influenced by others, when we should only be adopting a healthy lifestyle plan to suit ourselves.
Ah! Did I say lifestyle plan? Do you have one, or do you just try the next thing that is in your magazine or Sunday supplement? By all means read these articles and take them into account as you plan how you want your healthy lifestyle to take shape.
Leading a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you have got to run a mile before breakfast, eat seeds and think pure thoughts. Great if that's what you want, but for most of us "healthy" means being in reasonable shape, eating our fruit and vegetables and generally having a feeling of vitality.
Decide on your definition of a healthy lifestyle, and then plan a strategy that works for you.
As part of my health plan I decided I wanted to walk in the mornings before breakfast, but there was no way I wanted to get up at the crack of dawn to do it. So I planned a ten minute circuit that includes a short flight of steps and a not too steep incline. I power walked that route every day and felt really good. Sure l wouldn't make the City to Surf marathon, but I compromised and made it work for me.
Today, much is made of organic foods, but the reality is that organic food is generally more expensive and well out of the range for most budgets. Yes organic is probably the best option, but it doesn't mean that if you're not eating all organic you are not eating right. If you're concerned about general produce, be a bit discerning when you shop. Look for fruit and vegetables that are fresh and unblemished. You should also buy product brands that you can trust. If you shop wisely, you can have a well-balanced healthy diet that won't break the bank.
Basically living a healthy life means looking at your lifestyle as a whole, it is not just about diet and exercise. It is not always necessary to make major changes. Most people know their weak spots, and are happy if they can make a few changes that show results.
A friend of mine was drinking several cans of soft drink a day. She was feeling tired and generally under the weather. When I read an article about the health risk of soft drink I copied it and gave it to her, whereupon she decided to give up the soft drink there and then. A week later she got back to me and said she couldn't believe the difference, her energy levels were up and she was feeling great. Just that one change was able to make a difference and she feels good about the healthy choice.
Sleep and leisure time play a big part in a healthy lifestyle, and for the most part people underestimate the value of good sleep. Our bodies aren't designed to operate at peak performance twenty four hours a day. Anyone in industry knows that machines that have to work continuously need a lot of maintenance. When we are sleeping our body is healing and regenerating itself and we should wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized.
We can go without sleep for extended periods, but we can't do it indefinitely. The amount of sleep an individual needs varies a great deal, and there is no such thing as the right time to sleep. Obviously most people sleep at night, but if you are one of those folk that comes alive in the small hours, you might need to catch up with your sleep during the day.
A big part of healthy living is being comfortable with yourself. Don't be pressured into trying to attain a certain look, or push yourself down a career path you are not suited to. Constant worry about what you are doing will only have the opposite effect on your health. Don't get paranoid about your diet, about what toothpaste you should use or about expensive exercise equipment you need to buy.
Allow a common sense approach to dictate when you are making lifestyle choices, and remember, there is nothing wrong with compromise if it means your healthy lifestyle plan will work for you.
Article Source:
The Cornerstones To Better Health
The Cornerstones To Better Health
By Mike
How would you rate your own overall health on a scale of 1-10 right now (10 being top marks, 1 being lowest)?
I can tell you personally after coaching with more than a thousand people the average is between 4-6. The lower of those scores being the folks with aches, pains, weight or other issues, running through to the higher grades that gave answers such as; 'I used to be really fit, but then I just got a bit lazy', or 'I know I should do something about this (pain/flab/headache, etc) but I never get around to it.
The big 'W' weight.
Above all, being overweight and unfit are the two biggest culprits that can then open the door to so many other conditions and illnesses. According to a report by the Royal College of Physicians, the Faculty of Public Health, and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health over half the UK population are either overweight or obese (with a body mass index of more than 30), which breaks down to 70% of men and 63% of women.
Currently, one in 5 adults and one in 20 children under the age of 16 are obese, and if current trends continue it is estimated that at least one third of adults & children will be obese by 2020 - and these figures are more or less similar in other developed or developing countries around the world. I'm not writing this simply to shock you, but to impress upon you the absolute importance of maintaining your body in as good a shape as possible.
People come to me in coaching to help them create a great business plan, to move forward in some area of their life, to stoke up their motivation in a project. Yet, the one most solid basis for any of that is to be as healthy as possible. In creating a healthy life plan, to be in optimum health, is the one sure-fire way of achieving that success. Most experts believe there are 4 basic areas to achieving a better quality of health.
* Belief systems.
* Food & eating habits.
* Exercise.
* Support.
Belief Systems.
Simply, what goes on in your head creates who you are and what you do with your life. That's wonderful if all is well. If however, something is not as you want, whether it is health, career, finance, etc, one of the first areas to look at should be belief, because what you believe you generally create.
Food & eating habits.
You already know this! There has now been so much information on nutrition, diets, slimming, weight loss, optimum health and the like published that unless you've been living on Pluto the last few decades you must have been aware of at least some of it. What those articles don't tackle however, is what might be right for you. We are all different; we all enjoy, and dislike different things. Therefore, taking an individual approach, one that works for you, is key to achieving success.
Exercise should be tailored to your own body, age and lifestyle. It's like saying 'everyone likes ice cream' sure, some people do, though even with those, some would prefer chocolate, vanilla or strawberry.
Exercise can be so much more than going to the gym. If you have a fabulous gym near you that fires your imagination, then that's great. However, if not, then ask yourself 'what would be a fun way for me to raise my energy with?' A couple of my friends bought inline roller skates and spend Sunday's rolling around the park. Another rents a bike and takes a day trip to the country.
What would it be for you, because if you do find the fun in exercise it's the one area that'll affect all others?
This doesn't mean someone doing all the work for you. It doesn't mean that if you don't have the support of your partner or best friend it can't be done, and it certainly doesn't mean that if you can't afford a personal trainer or nutritionist, better health & fitness are impossible.
What it DOES mean is that you can begin today to support yourself better and more systematically. Do whatever you need to do to take ownership of your own well-being and begin the journey to achieving better, more vibrant health for you.
Article Source:
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Super Foods Everyone Needs To Be Eating For Nutrition, Health, And General Wellbeing
Super Foods Everyone Needs To Be Eating For Nutrition, Health, And General Wellbeing
By Brenda
Take a more in depth look at what the positive effects are to eating more color rich, dense plant 'super foods', and in eating more of the health enhancing properties of good 'super food' fat foods.
'Super Foods' are a classification of certain types of whole foods (minimally processed whenever possible) that are believed, and have been shown, to be good for you. If you begin to make a conscious effort to include more of these super foods into your weekly diet, and commit to understanding why they are good for your body, then you will be living a healthier life inside your body.
Of Course, you should know fresh and raw is best but, whether canned, frozen, or minimally processed, it is far better to eat them this way than not to eat them at all. Eating these health enriching 'super foods' will help you look and feel your best, and younger. They will, also, help you lose excess weight and maintain it, reduce your risks of life long diseases, give you longer lasting energy, and a feeling of full satiation after eating them. So let's get started on some of the best super foods you need to be eating to reach your healthy body goals.
What plant super plant food is good for helping to soften your skin? Pomegranates.
Pomegranates are loaded with an antioxidant vitamin, vitamin C. Plus, the juice from the seeds contain ellagic acid and punicalagin. The first substance fights free radical damage; the second substance may increase your body's ability to preserve collagen. Collagen helps keep skin looking moist, young, and soft.
What super plant food helps smooth fine lines in the skin? Blueberries.
Blueberries have become notoriously known for their antioxidant power. They have more antioxidants than almost any other plant food. Blueberries help protect your skin, and acts as a natural sunscreen to protect skin against sunburning, strengthens overall brain functioning, and helps you fight emotional stress.
What super plant foods help firm skin, giving it more elasticity? Kale and spinach.
These two veggies, and many others, have high levels of the antioxidant vitamins A, C, D, E, and K. and other compounds known as phytonutrients. These natural plant food substances help guard against sunburning the skin, strengthen heart (cardiovascular) health, and helps protect you from developing cancer.
What cold water fish sources, also known as super foods, helps keep skin, hair, and joints healthy and properly lubricated? Sardines, salmon, mackerel, tuna, and other small ocean fish species.
Do not care for the taste of fish? Well, you can still get your omega-3s in smaller amounts in flaxseed, walnuts, almonds, grass-fed beef and free range poultry meats and eggs. Omega-3 fats are great for sharp mental functioning, reduces risk of developing heart disease, cancer, and lowers the risk of developing behavior and mood disorders (depression).
What super plant food helps control brown age spots on the skin? Green, black, and white teas.
These healthy brews contain a substance called catechins. This phytonutrient helps prevent skin damaging sunburns. Another substance found in green, black, and white tea leaves is another phytonutrient known as polyphenols. This nutrient chemical may possibly help to reverse, or prevent, brown age spots on the skin.
Both of these phytochemicals have also shown to help protect us against heart disease, cancer, and stroke.
Tea contains half the amount of caffeine than coffee. Black tea, in particular, has been shown to improve oral mouth health. Teas can be drank either hot or iced, and can be used as a flavoring agent in marinades and other dishes.
What healthy fat oils help maintain a rosy skin glow? Olive oil, coconut oil, and lean animal saturated fats such as grass-fed beef and free range poultry meats and eggs.
Olive oil is mostly a monunsaturated fat. It also contains a small amount of polyunsaturated fat, so do not over use it. Extra virgin olive oil has a higher level of the antioxidant vitamin, vitamin E. Olive oil also activates the secretion of bile in the gallbladder, and regulates pancreatic hormones better, and more naturally, than prescription drugs. Consequently, it also lowers the incidence of gallstone formation.
Coconut oil increases energy levels by boosting your metabolism. It is mostly a saturated fat food source (60%), to a lesser degree, it has a small amount of monounsaturated fat oil, and a trace amount of polyunsaturated fat.
I would suggest cooking with both of these healthy fats, alternating their use in specific dish recipes, for example; coconut oil for stir frying and frying meats and vegetables, olive oil for salad dressings and meat marinades.
Lean sources of poultry and animal fats come from mostly grass fed, free range livestock. As mentioned earlier, these healthy proteins and fat food sources are higher in omega-3s than conventionally, mostly grain fed, meat sources. Omega-3s improve blood circulation, leaving skin with a rosy, supple look and feel.
What dietary fluid substance helps to better distribute all of these healthy food nutrients to where they are needed throughout your body? Why it is water, of course.
No other fluid solvent does this more efficiently than pure water. Water will, also, carry away toxic body wastes, hydrate all body cells, and consistently lower and maintain a more desired body weight, naturally.
Would I kid you here?
No, I absolutely would not. After all, this is a chosen area of serious passion for me. This strategy does work, and I might add, eating more as nature had intended for us to eat has brought me out of a state of ill health, to enjoy a much healthier body and lifestyle today!
You can do it this way too, and be most successful at eliminating, or easing, many different health challenges that you are currently, and frustratingly, tolerating at the moment. At the very least, it should make you feel better knowing that you are actively trying to do something to improve your dismal situation.
Article Source:
Tips For Choosing The Right Health Insurance Plan For You
Tips For Choosing The Right Health Insurance Plan For You
By Adrian
There are several factors that need to be taken into consideration when choosing a health insurance plan. Taking time to explore the different benefits offered by the different health insurance plans is well worth the time and effort and will enable you to choose one that is best suited to your requirements.
Even though all health insurance plans differ from each other in detail, a basic premium is a standard feature of all of them. This is the amount you or your employee will need to pay to purchase that particular health insurance coverage. Most of the other fees are calculated as a percentage of this amount, so it is vital that you determine the basic premium of whichever health insurance plan you are considering. This is especially important if you or anybody in your family is suffering from any serious or chronic health condition.
Health insurance plans are either Indemnity or managed care, both of which are rather different in their fundamental approach.
Managed care plans typically have pacts with certain doctors, health care providers and hospitals who agree to provide a host of services to plan members at lower costs. Some of the benefits of managed care plans are less paperwork and reduced out-of-pocket expenses. The disadvantage of choosing managed care plans is the restricted choice of health care providers available to you.
Indemnity insurance plans, also called fee-for-service plans, offer a wider choice of health care services, doctors and hospitals. If you choose an indemnity insurance plan you would have to bear the costs upfront, and the insurance company will then reimburse you at a later date.
With different plans being tailored differently, there are bound to be some plans that suit your needs better. Here are some suggestions on what to look for when choosing a health insurance plan:
Is the coverage offered by the health insurance plan as extensive as you would like it to be?
Is the choice of doctors and hospitals too restricted or does the plan offer you a fairly wide choice?
Compare the cost of service of different health insurance plans that offer the same benefits.
Compare the extra expenditure you will have to make on premiums and other health care costs
Look into the policies regarding any chronic health conditions or disabilities that you or your family members may have
Check out the policy coverage for you and your family members if you travel a lot or spend time at two homes
Article Source:
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A Cleansing Diet To Improve Your Health
A Cleansing Diet To Improve Your Health
By Zach
One of the most common cleansing diets is a detox diet. This is a diet that will release the toxins in the body that have been stored in the fat cells and will allow the body to excrete them and cleanse your body.
One of the most common cleansing diets is a detox diet. This is a diet that will release the toxins in the body that have been stored in the fat cells and will allow the body to excrete them and cleanse your body.
Why use a cleansing diet? This is used to eliminate toxins and other contaminants from the body. The main purposes of doing this is to:
improve health
Feel more energetic
Improve immunity
Improve your mental condition
Aid in digestion
Help with weight loss
There are various ways to do this.
You can do a complete fast. This would entail not eating or drinking at all.
Just drink water. This would be not eating or drinking anything but water.
Just drink water and juice-the same as above accept you would be adding juice.
Eat certain foods-some diets will consist of just vegetables and fruits others will be just liquids. There are many variations on this.
Use herbs: Herbal cleansing has been used since ancient times. Certain herbs are used as cleansing medicines to release and excrete toxins from the body.
Reduce calories: Some cleansing diets are used to reduce calories and aid in weight loss.
The most common diet is one composed mainly of fruits and vegetables. Preferably these should be raw, unmodified and unprocessed. More water is recommended and complete absence of alchahol.
However cleansing diets are not without side effects. If done rapidly the toxins
can be released into the bloodstream more quickly than the body can get rid of them. This condition is known as Herxheimer reaction.
This can result in:
* Headaches
* Muscle pain
* Weakness
* Insomnia
* Irritability
Herxheimer reaction: this is the name given to the body's condition when detoxification is occurring too rapidly and the body is not being given enough time to excrete the toxins. Some detox diets will produce this effect. This often leads to people abandoning their cleansing diets thinking that the diet is making them more sick. In actual fact if they continue with their diet the symptoms diminish and they will feel healthier.
Here are some ways that people have tried to lessen the symptoms of Herxheimer reaction:
* Drinking as much pure water as they can-this in effect will help the body flush out any toxins.
* Taking more exercise-this will improve circulation and help the body work more efficiently. This could help the body work more efficiently and excrete the toxins faster.
* Getting more sunlight
* Detox baths
* Excessive sweating-with saunas, baths and use of herbs
* Avoiding refined processed foods and toxic environmental chemicals
* Aromatherapy oils are used to help aches and pains brought on by rapid detoxification
Cleansing diets have been used from ancient times and can often help you to improve your health and make you feel better. Some people do these diets on a regular basis others more seldom. However you want to do these diets you should exercise care and possibly consult your doctor before commencing on one as sometimes side effects can be severe. If you have any underlying disease especially metabolic ones such as diabetes then it is very necessary to consult your Doctor before trying any type of cleansing diets.
We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to health that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.
And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our national institute of health website.
Good Health Equals Cheap Life Insurance By Darren
By Darren
If you're looking for cheap life insurance, you should begin looking while you're relatively young and in good health. Age and health are the two biggest factors life insurance agents use to base their decisions about policy pricing.
Unfortunately, most people don't get life insurance until they're older or until they've developed a medical condition. Only then do they realize it's time to start thinking about protecting their families. But that's also when it's practically impossible to find cheap life insurance.
Will your insurance company agree?
Think your high cholesterol isn't much of a problem? Well your insurance company doesn't share that opinion. In fact, if a medical examination reveals this condition, you'll more than likely be put into a higher risk category. Once that happens, you can forget about being offered cheap life insurance, regardless of any other factor.
What about your high blood pressure? You think all you've got to do is take a vacation and it'll be back to normal, but the life insurance company sees the situation differently. It sees high blood pressure as a precursor to more significant health problems; maybe not next month or even next year but very likely during your coverage period.
The same goes for your weight. What you consider "a few love handles around the middle" may be considered "obese" by the insurance company.
Smoking is another red flag when it comes to shopping for cheap health insurance. If you regularly use tobacco products, forget about getting a break on your life insurance premium. In fact, expect it to cost anywhere from 25 to 50% more. Smoking definitely comes at a price because it can cause so many health problems. Besides making you pay more, insurance companies don't really have any other options.
Show you are willing to make an effort
Insurance companies understand that medical conditions such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, using tobacco products, and being overweight can be controlled and that doing so can lead to a significant improvement in your health.
So there actually is some truth in believing a vacation could help lower your blood pressure. And although you may not have been quoted what you consider a cheap life insurance premium, you're not completely out of luck.
Insurance companies have softened a bit. Rather than permanently locking you into a high risk category for conditions such as those listed above, the company may be willing to improve your rates if you prove you're willing to improve your health. Most agents won't come right out and offer this, but if you ask for suggestions on ways to lower your costs, make sure you listen to the answers.
If you can show you're working towards consistently improving your health, your insurance company may be able to offer cheaper life insurance premiums. You'll be required to show documentation of the improvements, and possibly undergo an independent medical review by the life insurance company, but it will be worth the effort.
Article Source:
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Water Is The Key To Health And Wellness
Water Is The Key To Health And Wellness
By robert
Our bodies are composed of three-quarters water. Dehydration means your body does not have enough water for it to function correctly. You lose water when you sweat, breathe, urinate, defecate, blow your nose, have diarrhea, or throw up. To make up for the water you lose, you must hydrate your body by eating and drinking.
Who Gets Dehydrated?
Chances are you are dehydrated right now and you do not even know it! Everyone gets dehydrated, even babies and teenagers. Babies get dehydrated in part because their thirst mechanism is not fully developed. Even in the teen years, symptoms of adequate hydration may already be present and hydration can be a problem. Athletes and anyone engaging in a regular exercise routine are also prone to becoming dehydrated.
What are the Symptoms of Dehydration?
Signs of dehydration are many. Energy loss is usually the first sign of dehydration because the cells of the body lose water first. Water is a primary driving force of energy production inside the
cells, so even a little water loss causes a big drop in energy. Some say that for every one percent drop of water inside your cells energy production is cut by 10%.
Other symptoms of dehydration include:
a drained feeling,
noticeable thirst,
feeling lightheaded or dizzy,
rapid heartbeat,
dry lips and mouth,
wrinkles and sagging skin,
infrequent urination,
a dark colored or strong smelling urine,
digestive problems,
Dehydration is the Source of Serious Health Problems
Many researchers have suggested that dehydration is at the core of serious health problems. Some researchers even suggest that water can aid in the cure of arthritis, back pain, angina, migraines, colitis, asthma, high blood pressure, adult-onset diabetes, high cholesterol, metabolism problems, weight loss, kidney probolems, joint problems, lower back problems, morning sickness, heartburn, arthritis, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, loss of libido as well as a host of other chronic and/or degenerative diseases. Some health care researchers believe that that chronic health problems are caused by dehydration.
What is the bottom line? Consult with your doctor about your health problems. When your doctor tells you that all things considered, you need to drink more water, you have a choice. You can respond by thinking to yourself, "I already know this. I paid you money to give me this advice." Or, you can respond by thanking your doctor for the best advice you have ever been given.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Can All Low Carb Diets Improve Your Health?
Can All Low Carb Diets Improve Your Health?
By Aliza Adar
Most people usually think of all low carb diets to help lose weight. Some low carbohydrate diets have even gotten a bad reputation. People are often surprised to hear that are many health benefits to low carbohydrate diets that are actually important. Low carbohydrate diets have been designed by doctors for health reasons!
All carbs break down into glucose. Our bodies don't excel when provided with high volumes of simple or refined carbohydrates. One reason for this is these products do not contain enough fiber and convert too quickly into simple sugars in the body. If you are unable to utilize this extra energy, your body will store it as fat and finally triglycerides.
Triglycerides are the result of excess glucose - sugar.The concept of good carbs or bad carbs simply refers to how quickly your body breaks the carbs down into sugar. If you are eating a lot of carbs and not exercising, your triglycerides are going to go up. The way to get your triglycerides down is to go on your choice of all low carb diets, and get some exercise.
Eating too many simple or refined carbohydrates interferes with our body's natural carbohydrate
metabolism, leading to an increase in insulin output,a condition called hyper-insulinism and insulin resistance. Many health issues, including heart disease, may result.
Low Carb Recipe: Strawberry Crepes oil 4 eggs
1/2 cup cottage cheese
4 tablespoons Stevia sweetener
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon orange peel grated
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Strawberry filling:
2 cups strawberries, washed, hulled and sliced
6 tablespoons Stevia sweetener
1 cup sour cream, or yoghurt
Prepare a heavy, 8 inch skillet or crepe pan with heated oil. Whip all crepe ingredients together in mixing bowl. Pour crepe mixture into skillet, making sure to cover the bottom evenly.
Cook until bottom is browned and top is set. Use a spatula to flip the crepe and brown the other side. Once done, transfer to a paper towel. Repeat this procedure with remaining
batter and oil.
Next, make your filling by combining strawberries with sugar substitute and sour cream, or yoghurt. Spoon about 1/4 of mixture on each crepe. Roll up and Add a dollop of sour cream to taste and garnish with remaining strawberries.
Yields 6 servings
Total Net carbs: 4 grams per serving
These Success tips should help dieting:
When cravings hit, substitute another activity for eating. Go to the gym or health club if possible, or dance, or walk around the block. Again, these Success tips apply to all low carb diets.
Article Source:
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Health News Alert: Discover The Startling Facts About Insomnia!
Health News Alert: Discover The Startling Facts About Insomnia!
By Ryan
Insomnia or the inability to sleep is a common disorder that is suffered by millions of people worldwide. It may be comforting for insomniacs to learn that this is not considered a disease but a condition that can easily be overcome through systematic and effective ways designed to combat this disorder. There are many facts about insomnia that has been published on various publications, whether online or in the physical world.
Facts about Insomnia Established
Insomnia is a condition where the sufferers find it difficult to doze off into dreamland. When insomnia is caused by certain short term event, the effects might likely go away after the emotional trauma which causes it has dissipated away. However when the condition of insomnia occurs over a prolonged period of time, you need to get moving and get your facts about insomnia straight so that you will know what you are up against!
Causes of Insomnia
It is perhaps an established fact about insomnia that prolonged periods of exposure to lack of sleep can cause major depression, impairment in the ability to perform daily tasks and changes in eating patterns as well.
In order to begin the search for the right treatment, you need to understand some basic facts about insomnia. Insomnia can be defined as the inability to fall asleep, and the difficulty of remaining asleep once you really do manage to fall asleep. This is an annoying and disturbing situation to be in because when sleep patterns are disrupted, a tremendous sense of fatigue follows the day after.
Studies conducted revealed some startling facts about insomnia that you need to know about. Insomnia can be a form of disorder in itself without any causal factors or it can be the direct consequence of another traumatic event. The former is known as primary insomnia and the second condition is referred to as secondary insomnia.
Facts about Insomnia: A Brief Summary
To effectively win the battle against insomnia, you need to get the facts about insomnia right, and then move on to determine the cause if insomnia itself. If you are suffering from secondary insomnia, the best way to fix this issue is by taking the necessary steps to remove the causal factors that are creating those problems or you, or aggravating it. If the insomnia is a primary form, then the issue could be a serious illness or a serious emotional problem that needs attention from a medical professional.